星期日, 10月 03, 2004

Valentin Silvestrov - Orchestral Works vol. 2


Silvestrov's first album of ECM is a brisk awareness about him. I bought this album just according to the brief info that said "... it's just like a open-air live at old Greek theater under the sky stars...". While listening to it, the softly cold touching and the neo-romanticism style appealed me immediately.

Usually the phrases in his works are unsophisticated and fill with brief repeated motifs which decorate them in the pointillism style, and the remnants of harmony expend fluidly through the whole work. His orchestral works are the very examples of this style. The articulation sometimes could remind you of the reminiscence of old Romantic style, but with the gesture of a book's postlude.

The sound of Sym. no. 5 just resonates with the feeling of night in autumn and subtle melancholy, and now you could sniff the chilly air mixed with the tenuous moisture from neighborhood's baths.
